Ajda zoekt een Appartement / Studio / Kamer in Tilburg

Ajda zoekt: Een Appartement / Studio / Kamer in Tilburg

  • Appartement / Studio / Kamer
  • Min. 10 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 09 Per direct

Hi, my name is Ajda, I am 19 and from Slovenia and I'm gonna be a student at Tilburg starting this fall. I'm looking for a friendly and safe living space. I'm a responsible and respectful and I dont mind doing house chores. I like and enjoy my personal space, but also enjoy hanging out and meeting new people. So I am basically looking for a friendly and welcoming environment where I can feel comfortable and make new friends. I dont have pets and i don't smoke but I do not mind if people around me do. I like to travel and read and go out with friends.

Algemene informatie: Ajda
  Vrouw, 20 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Psychology (UNIVERSITEIT)